Why settle for a good 2024 when it could be EXTRAORDINARY?
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Why settle for a good 2024 when it could be EXTRAORDINARY?

January is the time to think BIG. If you ever want to plan your own mini revolution for your professional life the time is now.

Avoid looking at where you are now and adding a few bells and whistles.

Planning the odd adjustment is not enough at the start of a calendar year.

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Stakeholders in every corner
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Stakeholders in every corner

Before their promotion they were happily running their own show. Their own team, own area, own budget, own set of activities. Separate from the rest, happily existing in its own ecosystem.

Occasionally they might have walked past a senior team meeting. There they are, coffee in hand, biscuits within reach having a chat. About something. How hard can it be?

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Accountability is an opportunity
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Accountability is an opportunity

Accountability is an inevitable part of the job. The more senior you go the more stakeholders get involved in this process, including those who you may only see rarely.

Each meeting of this type, and report to go with it, is wasted if only used once. It can be used in multiple ways with multiple audiences, including for ways which make your life as a senior leader easier.

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HEP Talks podcast
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

HEP Talks podcast

I enjoyed talking to Lucas Kemper from Haringey Education Partnership on the HEP Talks podcast.

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Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.5 - Apprehensive
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.5 - Apprehensive

Mental health is an issue which comes up over and over again with the leaders I work with, it is at the heart of the snowflake trope. It is an absolute red line for every Gen Zer I have spoken to. Not taking it seriously will only lead to keeping the revolving door moving. Key characteristic 5 - apprehensive

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Gen Z - Key Characteristic No.4 - Diligent
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Key Characteristic No.4 - Diligent

‘Gen Z should not be characterised, or stereotyped, as slackers or snowflakes. The extent to which they will uphold their personal values about, for example, equality or work/life balance should not be conflated with a reluctance to work hard’. Gen Z key characteristic no.4 - diligent

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Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.3 - Pragmatic
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.3 - Pragmatic

Of all the key characteristics of Gen Z I describe it is this one which raises eyebrows the most often. If you want to understand this generation, you really need to understand this.

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Gen Z - Who are they? Why are they different?
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Who are they? Why are they different?

Gen Z is the generation which attended the secondary schools I led from 2006 to 2018. In recent years I have seen Generation Z described in ways I did not recognise, or appreciate.

This is the first of a series of blogs about them and their huge, as yet mostly untapped, potential to meet the challenges of today.

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