Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.5 - Apprehensive
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.5 - Apprehensive

Mental health is an issue which comes up over and over again with the leaders I work with, it is at the heart of the snowflake trope. It is an absolute red line for every Gen Zer I have spoken to. Not taking it seriously will only lead to keeping the revolving door moving. Key characteristic 5 - apprehensive

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Gen Z - Key Characteristic No.4 - Diligent
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Key Characteristic No.4 - Diligent

‘Gen Z should not be characterised, or stereotyped, as slackers or snowflakes. The extent to which they will uphold their personal values about, for example, equality or work/life balance should not be conflated with a reluctance to work hard’. Gen Z key characteristic no.4 - diligent

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Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.3 - Pragmatic
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Key Characteristics no.3 - Pragmatic

Of all the key characteristics of Gen Z I describe it is this one which raises eyebrows the most often. If you want to understand this generation, you really need to understand this.

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Gen Z - Who are they? Why are they different?
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Gen Z - Who are they? Why are they different?

Gen Z is the generation which attended the secondary schools I led from 2006 to 2018. In recent years I have seen Generation Z described in ways I did not recognise, or appreciate.

This is the first of a series of blogs about them and their huge, as yet mostly untapped, potential to meet the challenges of today.

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