From burnout to breakthrough - a personal tale
Near the start of lockdown last year I was interviewed by the inspirational Sonja Leason, the founder of Love Mondays for her ‘Struggle to Success’ podcast. I remember the timing because it was at the beginning of everyone working out how to use zoom and other such software, and Sonja spent at least an hour watching me haplessly not work it out until we finally got going!
I have to say that if you really want to learn about a ‘Struggle to Success’ story, it’s Sonja’s you should be reading and hearing about not mine. Plenty of other great examples covered in her podcast too, check it out.
Until very recently I had not realised Sonja had posted the episode. I actually thought she was being polite in going through with the interview despite wasting her time before we started (‘can you hear me now Sonja? What about now? Yes I can hear you, but…). In August 2020 it went up on the site and last week I listened to it.
She called the episode ‘from burnout to breakthrough’ and it was not always easy listening when I clicked on play. It also acted as an apt reminder about the point I reached in my life, why I decided to make some changes and the journey I am still on . For those of you at a crossroads, or finding your way into a new phase, you might find it interesting.