Confronting Sky-High Imposter Syndrome
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Confronting Sky-High Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome affects almost every senior leader at some point in their career.

Those who never suffer from it have colleagues who wish they did.

Even the most experienced can face a crisis which leaves them feeling way out of their depth.

What happens if ‘imposter syndrome’ barely begins to describe the problem?

Here are four ‘how tos’ to consider.

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Too Many Fires, Not Enough Fuel
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Too Many Fires, Not Enough Fuel

Gaining a senior leader position is the beginning of a professional learning journey, not the end.

Yet many leaders can be reluctant to engage.

Having reached the top they feel they should have all the fuel in the tank they will ever need.

How can you ensure you have the fuel to tackle any fire which comes your way?

Here’s four ‘how tos’ to consider.

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Escape the Perpetual Grind
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Escape the Perpetual Grind

Who doesn’t love a bit of work-life balance? Or even a lot of it!

What do you really need to do to escape the perpetual grind?

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The Delicate Dance
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

The Delicate Dance

For many, it’s the final frontier. The line they dare not cross.

Every other difficult conversation they will get to at some point, sometime. But not this one.

How good are you at managing upwards?

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The Concertina Effect
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

The Concertina Effect

The feeling of being completely overwhelmed grows as the days go by and, slowly but surely, the concertina squeezes together.

It is a potent combination and you are in the middle of it

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Exposed! The stadium is looking at you.
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Exposed! The stadium is looking at you.

Every senior leader has experienced it. You get the job, prepare to start, get in the building and then…those eyes.

People look at you differently when you are senior. It is a whole new level of scrutiny.

Here are four ‘how tos’ for dealing with the stadium looking at you.

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Terrifying Unpredictability
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Terrifying Unpredictability

Events can come thick and fast in senior leadership. They arrive from nowhere, take over your working life and throw your best laid plans out of the window.

When so much is suddenly at risk what can you do?

Here’s four ‘how tos’ for dealing with terrifying unpredictability.

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Delegation: How to do it
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Delegation: How to do it

When you work 12+ hours a day every day with no or little break, and when you already feel like you have delegated all you can then you need another message.

Here’s four ‘how tos’ for delegation.

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Delegation: Why it matters
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Delegation: Why it matters

Why does delegation matter? It is a simple question but it is not asked often enough. Most of the time your list of things to do though it is yours to oversee, and within that lies a myriad of decisions large and small.

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Swamped & Undersupported: Hidden Struggles
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

Swamped & Undersupported: Hidden Struggles

Every senior leader has their hidden struggles.

Many are very good at keeping it that way. Yet hiding them does not make them go away.

How does ‘swamped and undersupported’ become the norm and what can be done about it?

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HEP Talks podcast
Alex Atherton Alex Atherton

HEP Talks podcast

I enjoyed talking to Lucas Kemper from Haringey Education Partnership on the HEP Talks podcast.

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